Campus Ministry

Campus Ministry invites students to deepen their engagement with the spiritual dimension of life, which is the heart of a Mount Saint Mary’s education.  Catholic in our roots and vision, we welcome the opportunity to serve students of every religious affiliation or none at all.  We respect the freedom of each person’s conscience and unique spiritual path, while offering the rich resources of the Catholic tradition.

The mission of Campus Ministry is (1) to support the Catholicity of the university, in the tradition of the Sisters of St. Joseph; (2) to support the spiritual development of the entire Mount community, and (3) to foster educated, committed service to both Church and society.

The Campus Ministry team is comprised of professional and student Ministers.  Together, we work to provide opportunities for many aspects of Worship, Spirituality, the building of Community-on-Campus, Festivities, Service to others and action for global Justice.  We offer assistance to those who are thinking about becoming Catholic, or about being baptized, confirmed, or receiving first communion.  We are here to provide you with support and care in these joyful and the challenging times of your life.

Everyone is invited to come by to talk, or to participate in our many programs – and new ideas are always very welcome!