BIO 160 Neurobiology

An introduction to fundamental concepts in neurobiology. An emphasis is placed on the molecular organization, biochemistry and physiology of nerve cells and how the organization of these cells underlies the functional properties of the brain and behavior. Topics to be covered include membrane biophysics, synaptic physiology sensory transduction, motor control and the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. Offered every other year. Lecture 3 hrs. Prerequisites: a grade of C or above in BIO 1/BIO 2 CHE 1A/CHE 1B, PHY 1B. Recommended: BIO 152, BIO 151, CHE 107.




A grade of C or above in BIO 1/BIO 2, CHE 1A/CHE 1B, PHY 1B. Recommended: BIO 152, BIO 151, CHE 107.
