POL 2 | Introduction to World Politics | 3 |
Upper division requirements from Sections A, B and C (33 units)
Section A: (9 units)
GLP 131 | International Relations Theory | 3 |
| or | |
POL 131 | International Relations | 3 |
| | |
GLP 128 | Politics of Globalization and Interdependence | 3 |
| or | |
POL 128 | Politics of Globalization and Interpendence | 3 |
| | |
GLP 151 | Humanitarian Intervention | 3 |
| or | |
POL 151 | Humanitarian Intervention | 3 |
| | |
GLP 135 | Selected Topics in International Organizations | 0.0-3.0 |
| or | |
POL 135 | Selected Topics in International Organizations | 0.0-3.0 |
| | |
GLP 148 | Refugees and International Migration | 3 |
| or | |
POL 148 | Refugees and International Migration | 3 |
| | |
GLP 193 | Current Topics in Globalization | 1.0-3.0 |
POL 132 | Political and Economic Development | 3 |
POL 114 | The Politics of Democratization and Social Policy | 3 |
Section B:** (15 units)
**Students who opt for Study Abroad can apply 3-6 units taken at host institution towards Section B. Study Abroad units must be pre-approved by Global Politics Advisor. One course from Section C (3 units) must be taken from the Department of History and Political Science
Section C: (9 units)
POL 101 | Research Methods | 3 |
GLP 198 | Global Politics: Learning in Global Context | 3 |
GLP 199A | Senior Project: Independent Research Project | 3 |
Language: Global Politics majors are required to take one semester of language above the Mount general studies requirement. (3 units)
Global Womens Studies Concentration Only
Students with a Global Women's Studies Concentration must complete: Total 36 units
- Prerequisites for Global Studies (POL 2, 3 units)
- One language course beyond the MSMU general studies requirement (3 units)
- Section A from Global Studies (9 units)
- Section C** from Global Studies (see above) must be completed with a focus on Women Studies. (9 units)
- Section D as listed below (12 units)
**Paper in Global Research Methods, international experiential learning component and senior project must focus on an issue related to women.
Section D: (6 units)
GLP 147 | Women and Development | 3 |
| or | |
POL 147 | Women and Development | 3 |
| | |
GLP 109 | Global History of Women's Movements | 3 |
| or | |
HIS 109 | Global History of Women's Movement | 3 |
| | |
GLP 110 | History of Political Feminist Theory | 3 |
| or | |
HIS 110 | History of Political Feminist Theory | 3 |
| | |
GLP 187 | Gender in a Global Context | 3 |
| or | |
HIS 187 | Gender in a Global Context | 3 |
| | |
GLP 194 | Current Topics in Women's Studies | 3 |
| or | |
HIS 194 | Current Topics in Women's Stud | 3 |
Plus 6 units from the following list of electives:****
POL 102 | Women and the Law | 3 |
HIS 107 | History of Women in Europe Finding a Voice | 3 |
HIS 192A | Women of Color in the U.S. | 3 |
HIS 192B | Women of Color in the U.S. | 3 |
HIS 192C | Women of Color in the U.S. | 3 |
CUL 117 | Women's Literature in Translation | 3 |
ENG 123 | Women's Voices in Literature | 3 |
RST 135 | Women and Christianity | 3 |
RST 23 | Spiritual Journeys of Women | 3 |
RST 123 | Spiritual Journeys of Women | 3 |
BUS 140 | Women's Issues in Business and Economics | 3 |
****6 units of ‘electives’ may be transferred from Study Abroad host institution if the student chooses the Study Abroad option from Learning in a Global Context.