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Programs of Study
Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2016-2018
The University
General Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
Courses of Instruction
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Chinese
CIS - Computer Information Science
CRI - Criminology
CRW - Creative Writing
CUL - Culture
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EDUX - Education Extension Courses
ENG - English
FLM - Film
FRE - French
FYS First Year Seminar
GER - Gerontology
GIS - Geographical Information Systems
GLP - Global Politics
GRD - Graphic Design
GSC - Geospatial Criminology
GS - General Studies
HCP - Health Care Policy
HIS - History
HON - Honors Program
HPM - Health Policy and Management
HUM - Humanities
INT - Interdisciplinary
ITA - Italian
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
KRN - Korean
LIB - Liberal Arts
LIN - Linguistics
LWS - Leadership Women's Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
POR - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RST - Religious Studies
Scripture Courses
RST 11
RST 15
RST 155A
RST 155B
RST 155C
RST 155D
RST 155E
Christian Thought Courses
Christian Ethics Courses
Religion and the Religions Courses
Religious Studies Special Offerings Courses
SJSD - Social Justice and Sexual Diversity
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SPE - Speech
SPR - Special Programs
SW - Social Work
WST - Women's Studies
Trustees and Administration
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2016-2018 Catalog
RST - Religious Studies
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Scripture Courses
RST 11
Introduction to Hebrew Scriptures
RST 15
Introduction to the New Testament
RST 155A
Upper Division Scripture Study: Synoptic Gospels
RST 155B
Upper Division Scripture Study: Pauline Literature
RST 155C
Upper Division Scripture Study: Johannine Literature
RST 155D
Upper Division Scripture Study: Hebrew Scriptures
RST 155E
Upper Division Scripture Study: Revelation Literature
Up one level
RST - Religious Studies