Credit for Prior Learning (Portfolio Assessment)
enrolled in an undergraduate program at Mount St. Mary’s University may receive
academic credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for college-level
learning gained from life or work experience prior to admission to Mount Saint
Mary’s University. Students who wish to pursue credit for PLA must identify the
MSMU course that matches their learning and for which they’d like to earn PLA
credit. The student then enrolls in the
Council for Adult and Experiential Learning’s CAEL 99 course to develop any
PLA portfolios to submit for evaluation. The CAEL 99 course is a 3 unit
elective credit/non-credit course at MSMU.
If credit is awarded for CAEL 99 and/or any PLA portfolios, CAEL will
send an official assessment transcript directly to the MSMU Registrar’s Office.
Credit obtained through PLA will be noted as such on the student’s official
MSMU transcript. The University may grant up to 12 general elective units for
Prior Learning Assessment. PLA units may not be used to fulfill general education
requirements. No grades will be awarded
for this credit.