HPM 233F Practicum: Capstone

In this last practicum, students complete the degree-long project on which they have been working from the first semester of the first year. This final “hands-on” project will sum up the work on which students have been working during their graduate tenure, presenting it to the faculty and staff prior to program completion. For this final project, there will be 3 options: Option 1: Senior Experience - A major project or projects applied to the student’s work/policy environment; Option 2: A major policy analysis piece offered to a non-profit organization with the student has been working or with whom MSMU has established a relationship, or; Option 3: The outcomes of a research or quality improvement project in a topic area of specialized interest to the student in their present or future career. This can be in the form of a “mock” conference paper presentation, academic presentation, or professional presentation of the findings.


