Course Fees

Education Courses Art Supplies   
EDU 33/EDU 133   $30.00/course
Supervised Teaching Courses   
EDU 116A, EDU 316A, EDU 164A, EDU 364A,
EDU 378A

EDU 116B, EDU 316B, EDU 164B, EDU 364B
EDU 178B, EDU 378B

EDU 239B, EDU 245A, EDU 245B $150.00/course

Portfolio Evaluation 

EDU 225B
EDU 225D   $100.00/course
EDU 226A  $75.00/course
EDU 226B

Nursing Lab Fee 

NUR 200
Graduate Psychology Fee
PSY 234
Art Lab Fee $65.00/course
Film Lab Fee   $40.00/course
Film Studio Fee - Undergraduate  $200.00/semester
Summer Skills TBD


Applied Music
See Music Department for more information
Music Majors
MUS 15/MUS 115

Music Minors
MUS 13/MUS 113

Non-music Major or Minor
MUS 13/MUS 113
(Includes 10 lessons per semester) 
Course Challenge by Examination
Course Challenge Fee
(If successfully passed, the cost of the units awarded will be one-half the unit cost of the course as stated in the current MSMU Catalog.)