Credit for Prior Learning - Portfolio Assessment

Students enrolled in an undergraduate program at Mount Saint Mary’s University may receive academic credit through Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) for college-level learning gained from life or work experience prior to admission to Mount Saint Mary’s University. Students who wish to pursue credit for PLA portfolio assessment must meet with their Academic Advisor and work with a faculty subject matter expert who will serve as the faculty assessor for the portfolio. Students working with their Advisor and faculty assessor must identify the MSMU course that matches their learning and for which they would like to earn PLA credit. Students will complete an online module to assess readiness for portfolio assessment.  After successfully completing the module, the student would be able to submit three portfolios for a cost of $500 per portfolio. Each successful portfolio may receive 3-units of elective credit. Each course credit will be noted based on the existing course at MSMU that the completed portfolio assessment matches. Credit obtained through PLA will be noted as such on the student's official MSMU transcript. The University may grant up to 12 lower or upper division elective units for Prior Learning Assessment portfolio assessment. PLA units may not be used to fulfill general education requirements. No letter grades will be awarded for this academic elective credit.