Designation of Credits and Courses
Courses numbered 1-99 are lower division courses, generally taken by freshmen and sophomores; those numbered 100-199 are upper division courses, generally taken by juniors and seniors, or majors. In order to enroll in any upper division course, a student must first successfully complete ENG 1A and ENG 1B or ENG 5H. Students must also have sophomore standing or the approval of the instructor to enroll in an upper division class. Students must be enrolled in an English composition class each semester until they complete the General Education Written Communication requirement.
Credit for courses whose course numbers include the letter X may not be applied to the Baccalaureate degree.
Courses numbered 200-299 are graduate level, those numbered 300-399 are professional courses, and those between 340-349 are professional credit courses that may be submitted for equivalency evaluation to be applied to a credential or masters program. Courses numbered 400 are doctoral level.
Courses approved for fulfillment of the General Education curriculum requirements are identified after the course description in each department:
GE 1 First-Year Seminar
GE 2 Written Communication
GE 3A Reasoning - Math
GE 3B Reasoning - Critical Thinking
GE 4A Language Level 1
GE 4B Language Level 2
GE 5A Central Core - Spirit of the Founders
GE 5B Central Core - Community
GE 5C Central Core - Global Awareness & Understanding
GE 5D Central Core - Women & Gender
GE 6A Integrative Scholarship - Linked Course 1
GE 6B Integrative Scholarship - Linked Course 2
GE 6 Integrative Scholarship - Interdisciplinary Unlinked Course
After the last day to add a course as published in the schedule of classes, no changes may be made respective to the level of study.