
An Incomplete is given only when a student:

  1. has fulfilled the majority of the course requirements,
  2. is prevented from completing the assigned work for serious medical/personal reasons, and
  3. has a passing grade in course (at the time of occurrence of #2, above) and
  4. can, in the opinion of the instructor, complete the work within the following semester.

A student requesting an Incomplete must file a Petition for Incomplete with the signature of the instructor and the department chairperson prior to the week of final examinations.

The instructor will assign a default grade when approving an Incomplete. This default grade will be recorded on the student's transcript when a completed grade is not assigned by the instructor and/or an extension of the Incomplete is not processed. If a default grade is not provided by the instructor and the work is not completed, the Incomplete will revert to an F.

An Incomplete may only be extended for one additional semester with the approval of the instructor, the department chairperson, and the appropriate academic dean. (Students may not be given more than two semesters to complete any course.)