Triple Counting Courses

The following conditions apply to double or triple counting of a General Studies course:

  1. A course may not fulfill more than one category in Area III.
  2. With the exception of PHI 5 and PHI 10, no course from Areas I-IV may double count to satisfy a requirement in Area V.
  3. When completing a double major, no more than 9 upper division units may be double counted to satisfy requirements for both majors.

Please note: This policy thus allows a course to double or triple count in Areas I, II, IV, and VI. Only PHI 5 and PHI 10 double count to satisfy Area V. This means, for example, that PHI 10 double counts as Critical Thinking (Area II) and Philosophy (Area V), PHI 155 double counts as Philosophy (Area V) and QL2 (Area VI) and PHI 5 triple counts (as Critical Thinking (Area II) as Philosophy (Area V), and as QL1 (Area VII).  To determine if a course double or triple counts, focus on Areas 1, II, IV, V, and VI (all Areas EXCEPT Area III, which does not allow double counting).