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Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2020-2022
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ARB - Arabic
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ENG - English
ENS - Ethnic Studies
FLM - Film
FRE - French
FYS First Year Seminar
GER - Gerontology
GIS - Geographical Information Systems
GLP - Global Politics
GSC - Geospatial Criminology
HCA - Healthcare Administration
HCP - Health Care Policy
HIS - History
HON - Honors Program
HUM - Humanities
INT - Interdisciplinary
ITA - Italian
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
KRN - Korean
LIB - Liberal Arts
LIN - Linguistics
LWS - Leadership Women's Studies
MTH - Mathematics
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NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHO - Professional Photography
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
POR - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RST - Religious Studies
SJSD - Social Justice and Sexual Diversity
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
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SWA - Swahili
SW - Social Work
TGL - Tagalog
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2020-2022 Catalog
> HIS - History
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HIS - History
Western Civilization
Western Civilization
Civilizations, Empires, and Trading Networks
Trade, Empires, Wars, and Revolutions
World History
European Leaders and Ideas in Ferment And Flux
American Cultural History
HIS 25
Cultural and Historical Geography
HIS 27
History of 20th Century Europe
HIS 45
Europe from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment 1300-1789
HIS 75
Contemporary America
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
HIS 101
Historical Methods and Historiography
HIS 101A
Introduction to Humanities Research and the Digital Humanities
HIS 102
Constructing the History of the United States
HIS 103
World History
HIS 104
History and Film
HIS 106
American Cultural History
HIS 107
History of Women in Europe Finding a Voice
HIS 109
Global History of Women's Movement
HIS 110
History of Political Feminist Theory
HIS 111
Native American History
HIS 112
World Economic History
HIS 113
History and Civilization of Spain
HIS 114
Ancient Civilizations
HIS 115A
History of Political Theory
HIS 115B
History of Political Theory
HIS 116
Classical Civilization
HIS 118
The World of Medieval Europe 500-1300
HIS 119
History of the American West
HIS 120
The Sixties
HIS 123
American Revolutions
HIS 124
History of the Middle East
HIS 126
Department Seminar
HIS 127
History of 20th Century Europe
HIS 130
Colonial Latin America
HIS 131
History of Religion in North America
HIS 132
Civil Liberties
HIS 133
Political Biography
HIS 145
Europe from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment 1300-1789
HIS 146
Europe: The Age of Revolution and Nationalism 1789-1871
HIS 147
Europe: The Age of Imperialism and Totalitarianism 1871-1945
HIS 150
An Introduction to Asian History
HIS 151
Advanced Studies in the History of Modern Japan
HIS 152
Advanced Studies in the History of Modern China
HIS 154
The History of Modern Mexico
HIS 162
History and Civilization of Latin America
HIS 165
History of the Spanish-Speaking People Of the United States
HIS 171
The United States From Colony to Republic 1607-1800
HIS 172
The Kennedys
HIS 173
The United States in the 19th Century
HIS 174
Hitler and the Third Reich
HIS 175
The U.S. in the 20th Century
HIS 176
The Harlem Renaissance
HIS 178
Diplomatic History of the United States
HIS 179
Constitutional History of the United States
HIS 180
Current Constitutional History
HIS 181
Modern Presidential History
HIS 182
Introduction to the History, Language and Culture of Swahili
HIS 183
History of Black Nationalist Movements in Africa
HIS 184
Radicalism and Dissent
HIS 185A
African American History: American Slavery 1619-1865
HIS 185B
African American History: Emancipation To the Modern Era
HIS 185C
Race and Racism in American Life and Thought
HIS 186
Gender in American Life and Thought
HIS 187
Gender in a Global Context
HIS 188
California History
HIS 189
History of Medicine
HIS 190
Disease and Epidemics: Pestilence, Poxes, and Plagues
HIS 191
Major Issues in the United States Women's History
HIS 192A
Women of Color in the U.S.
HIS 192B
Women of Color in the U.S.
HIS 192C
Women of Color in the U.S.
HIS 193A
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
HIS 193B
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
HIS 193C
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
HIS 193D
Studies in Selected Historical Problems/ Topics
HIS 195
History of Wine
HIS 196H
Senior Honors Thesis
HIS 197A
Readings in Historical-Literature
HIS 197B
Readings in Historical-Literature
HIS 197C
Readings in Historical-Literture
HIS 198
Internship in Public History
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