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Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2020-2022
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CRI - Criminology
CRW - Creative Writing
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ENG - English
ENS - Ethnic Studies
FLM - Film
FRE - French
FYS First Year Seminar
GER - Gerontology
GIS - Geographical Information Systems
GLP - Global Politics
GSC - Geospatial Criminology
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INT - Interdisciplinary
ITA - Italian
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
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LIB - Liberal Arts
LIN - Linguistics
LWS - Leadership Women's Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHO - Professional Photography
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
POR - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RST - Religious Studies
SJSD - Social Justice and Sexual Diversity
SOC - Sociology
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SW - Social Work
TGL - Tagalog
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2020-2022 Catalog
> PHO - Professional Photography
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PHO - Professional Photography
PHO 100
Dark Room Photography
PHO 101
Foundations of Photography
PHO 102
Digital Image Editing I
PHO 103
Adobe Lightroom: Digital Asset Management & Workflow
PHO 104
Lighting for People
PHO 106
History of Photography
PHO 107
Applied Photography
PHO 108
The Art of Lighting
PHO 109
Photography as Fine Art
PHO 110
Alternative Photography Media
PHO 111
The Art Director
PHO 112
Food and Beverage Photography
PHO 113
Advanced Tabletop Photography
PHO 114
Automotive Photography
PHO 130
Studio Product Photography
PHO 134
Photoshop and Digital Printing
PHO 140
Business of Photography
PHO 174
Advanced Advertising Photography
PHO 175
Fashion Photography
PHO 176
Independent Project
PHO 180
Masters of Light
PHO 181
Sports Photography
PHO 182
Imaging Time
PHO 183A
Global Travel Experience
PHO 183B
Global Travel Experience
PHO 184
Marketing for The Photographer
PHO 185
Street Photography
PHO 187
Creative Techniques in Digital Imaging
PHO 188
Wedding Photography
PHO 189
Special Topics in Still Photography
PHO 190
Architectural Photography
PHO 191
Advanced Portrait Techniques
PHO 192
Advanced Retouching
PHO 194
Personality Photography
PHO 195A
Portfolio Development
PHO 195B
Portfolio Development
PHO 197
PHO 198
Senior Capstone
PHO 202
Digital Image Editing I
PHO 204
Lighting for People
PHO 206
History of Photography
PHO 207
Applied Photography
PHO 209
Photography as Fine Art
PHO 210
Alternative Photography Media
PHO 211
The Art Director
PHO 214
Automotive Photography
PHO 230
Studio Product Photography
PHO 234
Photoshop and Digital Printing
PHO 240
Business of Photography
PHO 287
Creative Techniques in Digital Imaging
PHO 291
Advanced Portrait Techniques
PHO 292
Advanced Retouching
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