A program for those interested in pursuing graduate study in any area of Applied Ethics and/or a career in such fields as Bioethics, Nursing Ethics, Business Ethics, Journalism Ethics, Media Ethics, Global Justice, or Environmental Ethics. The following are required:
Applied Ethics B.A. Degree
Required Courses (See course descriptions in the Philosophy course listings in the catalog.)
Lower Division
One course from each of the following groups
1. Analytical Skills (3 units). One of:
2. Moral Philosophical Reasoning Skills (3 units). One of:
PHI 15 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
PHI 16 | Philosophy Through Popular Culture | 3 |
PHI 21 | Moral Values and Ethical Decisions | 3 |
Upper Division
Ten (10) upper division courses are required for the major. Select from each of the following categories below.
A. Ethical Frameworks (12 units). Any four of:
B. Philosophical Frameworks (6 units). Two of:
C. Society and Values (6 units). Two of:
D. Elective (3 units)
| One course from categories A-C above | 3 |
E. Internship/Practicum (3 units)
PHI 198 | Special Topics | 1.0-3.0 |
Total Credit Hours: | 36 |
(30 units upper division)
General Education requirements and electives totaling 124 semester units, including the Language requirement.
*PHI 198 fulfills the capstone requirement for Applied Ethics.
The internship could be on or off-campus; it must be approved by the major advisor or the Philosophy Department Chair.
Recommended: Another major with an emphasis in Nursing Ethics or Bioethics is encouraged to take at least one upper division Health Care Policy or a Religious Studies Ethics course.
Applied Ethics Major Four-Year Plan
General Education classes and any double major or minor would be added in
First Year
PHI 5 | Introduction to Logic | 3 |
| or | |
PHI 10 | Critical Thinking | 3 |
PHI 15 | Introduction to Philosophy | 3 |
| or | |
PHI 16 | Philosophy Through Popular Culture | 3 |
PHI 21 | Moral Values and Ethical Decisions | 3 |
Sophmore Year
Course from Category A (Applied Ethics)
Course from Category A (Applied Ethics)
Course from Category C (Society & Values)
Junior Year
Course from Category A (Applied Ethics)
Course from Category B (Philos. Frameworks)
Course from Category A (Applied Ethics)
Senior Year
Course from Category B (Philos. Frameworks)
Course from Category C (Society & Values)
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