EDU 316B Supervised Teaching: Pre-Service Elementary Fieldwork

Fall or Spring at MSMU approved site. Supervised teaching is designed as the culminating experience in the teacher preparation program and provides opportunities for the candidate to integrate and refine the many competencies acquired throughout the program. The goal of supervised teaching is to ensure that the candidate is prepared to assume the full-time responsibilities of a classroom. In EDU 316B, the student assumes the responsibilities of the classroom teacher and is under the direct supervision of an experienced and effective teacher and a university supervisor at MSMU (see Option I, in the Supervised Teaching section). The supervised teaching involves two assignments, each spanning one-half of the semester, sometimes in two schools. Students register for EDU 316A for the first assignment and for EDU 316B for the second assignment. Full-time student teaching is required along with participation in the seminar (EDU 210). The student must have access to daily transportation to the fieldwork site. (Additional fieldwork fee).




EDU 210
