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Mount Saint Mary’s University Catalog 2024-2026
The University
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Courses of Instruction
ARB - Arabic
ART - Art
ASL - American Sign Language
BIO - Biology
BUS - Business
CAEL - Council Adult & Experiential Learning
CGI - Center for Global Initiatives
CHE - Chemistry
CHI - Chinese
CRI - Criminology
CRW - Creative Writing
CSC-Data Analytics
CS - Computer Science
CUL - Culture
DAM-Data Analytics
DEI - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
DMC-Digital Marketing
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
EDUX - Education Extension Courses
ENG - English
ENS - Ethnic Studies
FLM - Film
FRE - French
FYS First Year Seminar
GER - Gerontology
GIS - Geographical Information Systems
GLP - Global Politics
GSC - Geospatial Criminology
HCA - Healthcare Administration
HCP - Health Care Policy
HIS - History
HON - Honors Program
HRM - Human Resources Management
HUM - Humanities
INT - Interdisciplinary
ITA - Italian
JPN - Japanese
JRN - Journalism
KRN - Korean
LIB - Liberal Arts
LIN - Linguistics
LWS - Leadership Women's Studies
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PHO - Professional Photography
PHS - Physical Science
PHY - Physics
POL - Political Science
POR - Portuguese
PSY - Psychology
PT - Physical Therapy
RST - Religious Studies
SJSD - Social Justice and Sexual Diversity
SOC - Sociology
SPA - Spanish
SPE - Speech
SPR - Special Programs
SWA - Swahili
SW - Social Work
TGL - Tagalog
WEL - Wellness
WST - Women's Studies
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2024-2026 Catalog
> PT - Physical Therapy
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PT - Physical Therapy
PT 401
Gross Anatomy
PT 402
PT 403
Applied Kinesiology
PT 404
Applied Exercise Science
PT 406
Lifespan Development
PT 407
PT 410
Pathology/Medical Science: General Systems
PT 411A
Pathology/Medical Science: Musculoskeletal
PT 411B
Pharmacology/Diagnostic Techniques: Musculoskeletal
PT 412
Pathology/Pharmacology/Diagnostic Techniques: Neuromuscular
PT 413
Pathology/Pharmacology/Diagnostic Technique: Cardiopulmonary
PT 415
Specialty Practices in Physical Therapy
PT 431
Health Systems I: Introduction to Physical Therapy
PT 433
Health Systems III: Payment Policy
PT 434
Health Systems IV: Law and Policy
PT 435
Health Systems V: Medical Ethics
PT 436
Health Systems VI: Entrepreneurialism
PT 441
Integrative Seminar I
PT 442
Integrative Seminar II
PT 444
Pathology/Medical Sciences: Pediatrics
PT 461
Physical Therapist As Educator
PT 462A
Health Care Procedures I
PT 462B
Health Care Procedures II
PT 463A
Therapeutic Interactions I
PT 463B
Therapeutic Interactions II
PT 463C
Therapeutic Interactions III
PT 465
Therapeutic Modalities
PT 466A
Therapeutic Exercise
PT 466A-I
Therapeutic Exercise I
PT 466A-II
Therapeutic Exercise II
PT 466B
Therapeutic Exercise II
PT 467
PT 468
Complementary Health Practices
PT 471A
Patient/Client Management: Musculoskeletal I
PT 471B
Patient/Client Management: Musculoskeletal II
PT 471C
Patient/Client Management: Musculoskeletal (Advanced)
PT 472A
Patient/Client Management: Neuromuscular I
PT 472B
Patient/Client Management: Neuromuscular II
PT 472C
Patient/Client Management: Neuromuscular (Advanced)
PT 473
Patient/Client Management: Cardiopulmonary
PT 475
Patient/Client Management: Pediatrics
PT 476
Patient/Client Management: Geriatrics
PT 477
Patient/Client Management: Medical Screening
PT 481
Clinical Education Experience
PT 482
First Full-Time Clinical Education Experience
PT 483
Intermediate Full-Time Clinical Education Experience
PT 484
Terminal Full-Time Clinical Education Experience I
PT 485
Terminal Full-Time Clinical Education Experience II
PT 488
Remediation for Clinical Education
PT 489
Repeat Affiliation
PT 490
Research I
PT 491
Research II
PT 492
Research III
PT 493
Research IV
PT 494
Scientific Communication
PT 495A
Research V: Research Development
PT 495B
Research VI: Research Development
PT 495C
Research VII: Capstone Project
PT 498
Advanced Clinical Experience
PT 499
Independent Study
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