Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity Policy

The academic environment is predicated on truth and integrity. Acts of dishonesty constitute a serious offense to the Mount Community. Acts of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. Cheating: Cheating of any kind is dishonest. This includes copying other's essays or exams; stealing exams; buying or otherwise procuring new or used exams; having someone else take an exam or write an essay for which you take credit; and any other way you might receive credit for work that is not your own.
  2. Failure to hand in original work: Using one work for two different classes is also dishonest. If you have a topic appropriate for two classes, original and separate work must be done for each class, unless approval of both instructors has been obtained. Moreover, co-writing an essay without both obtaining the instructor's permission and acknowledging the other person's help is dishonest.
  3. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is an act of academic dishonesty. It is a serious academic offense. Plagiarism is using anyone else's ideas and representing them as your own (i.e., not giving appropriate credit). Acts of plagiarism include the following:
    • failure to document and give credit to an original source,
    • paraphrasing another person's ideas without giving credit,
    • using direct quotes without proper recognition of the source,
    • using statistics, facts, or information from a source other than your own original research without giving credit.
  4. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI/AGI)

    Unless otherwise specified, all course assignments and activities require your original and authentic work, submitted for the first time in any academic or professional context. Use of AI-generated material is academically dishonest unless

    1. you are asked to include material using AI as part of the assignment or
    2. you request and receive express permission to use AI from the instructor.
  5. Falsification or misrepresentation: Falsification of lab or clinical data; clandestine collaboration with others in class presentations or laboratory experiments; alteration of University documents; alteration of instructor's grade sheets/books; misrepresentation on admissions materials; falsification of academic records; forgery; entering computer accounts other than one's own without prior consent of the owner; entering or deleting information without permission are all academic offenses.
  6. Theft: Theft or mutilation of library or media materials; computer or media equipment; records or other University documents (such as examinations, assignments; gradebooks or other course materials); or theft from any member of the academic community are all acts of academic dishonesty.

Consequences: Actions such as these should incur, in proportion to the gravity of the offense, appropriate action on the part of the instructor or University representative. The penalty for an act of dishonesty

could range from a grade of F on an examination or assignment, a reduced or failing grade for the course in question, probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University. Repeated acts of academic dishonesty will be treated more gravely.

Appeal Procedure
: Any student of the University has the right to appeal any decision resulting from a perceived act of academic dishonesty.