ENG 103 Writing Histories
This course is linked with HIS 102: Constructing the History of the United States. It is designed to provide practice writing while analyzing history/social studies textbooks provided to California‘s fifth grade students. The purpose of the course is to prepare future teachers, parents, and community members to advocate for a complete and just telling of history in their local schools. The course also provides an opportunity for students to review English conventions and skills, develop the tools and strategies needed to write analytical and personal essays in response to historical texts, and cultivate confidence in one’s writing competency. The course presents writing as a process of practice, discovery, critical thinking, analytical reading, writing, editing and revision which will help instill an appreciation for the processes and value of writing. Each of these elements is necessary for those who wish to use their voice to advocate for their community on any issue. GE 6A when linked with HIS 102.
ENG 1A and
ENG 1B or permission of instructor. Requires concurrent enrollment in
HIS 102.