Geospatial Criminology

Department Affiliation: Sociology

GSC (Geospatial Criminology) combines a strong foundation in crime theory with a practical skillset of Geographic Information Sciences. Together, this major positions you on the cutting edge and provides numerous career opportunities in law enforcement.

In today’s digital age, billions of pieces of data that contain geographic information are collected every day. Law enforcement rely heavily on this data to: find patterns in crime, educate and enlist communities on crime concerns, identify risk factors that can lead to crime, and develop strategic plans to prevent crime.

Local, state, and national police forces use geographic information sciences as an integral part of their daily operations. From the FBI to Armed Forces to Los Angeles Police Department, GIS has become a critical component to help officers get the job done.

Worldwide, thousands of agencies including the CIA and Department of Homeland Security rely on GIS for planning, operations, and investigations. As technology expands, so too does the demand for people who know how to use and apply these skills.

The US Department of Labor lists Geospatial Technology as one of the 3 emerging industries with the highest demand for workers and potential for growth in the coming decades. Even more, statistics estimate an expected job growth of 21% through 2016.

Law enforcement officers who know how to use GIS are in demand in Los Angeles and across the country. If you want to be a corrections officer, special agent, or local police officer, consider a major in Geospatial Criminology to best prepare you in the field.