French Studies Major

Important notice:  At this time, we are not accepting new applicants to the French major. 

Majors must take at least 15 units in the department, and minors must take at least 12 units in the department.

Language Prerequisites:

FRE 1Elementary French I


FRE 2Elementary French II


or equivalent

Total Credit Hours:8
You may take the departmental placement test.

Core Courses required for Majors:

FRE 3Intermediate French III



FRE 103Intermediate French III



FRE 4Intermediate French IV



FRE 104Intermediate French IV


or equivalent with the departmental approval


FRE 101French Writing Lab


FRE 112History and Civilization of France


FRE 122Advanced Oral Expression


FRE 124Intro to the Analysis of Literary Masterpieces


Total Credit Hours:18

Plan I: French & Francophone Studies

This emphasis focuses on developing language fluency, and on discovering and deepening knowledge about French and francophone cultures, through the study of literature and other works of art.

You will choose 2 additional upper division courses in the department: one French course (3) and one culture course (3).

You write a senior thesis

FRE 191Senior Thesis


Total Credit Hours:15

Total Credit Hours: 41

Plus General Education requirements and electives totaling 124 semester units.

*FRE 191 fulfills the capstone requirement for French Studies Plan I.

Plan II: Interdisciplinary French & Francophone Studies

This emphasis is designed for students interested in pursuing careers related to world affairs from a global perspective. Students will have the opportunity to take courses outside the department in order to broaden their cross-cultural awareness.

In addition to the language prerequisite courses and core courses, you choose 1 course from the following:

FRE 116Contemporary Culture and Politics


FRE 120Francophone Literature


FRE 149Business French


You will choose 2 additional upper division courses in the department.

You may take these 2 additional upper division courses in English on a topic related to the French and francophone world (6). These courses can be taken in the department, such as our culture courses, or outside the department (with departmental approval).

You will do an internship or independent studies with the approval of the department chairperson

FRE 190AInternship


FRE 199AIndependent Studies


Total Credit Hours:12

Total Credit Hours: 38

Plus General Education requirements and electives totaling 124 semester units.

*FRE 190A or FRE 199A fulfills the capstone requirement for French Studies Plan II.