Religious Studies Certificate Program

Spiritual Direction Certificate Program

In collaboration with the CSJ Institute and the Sisters of St. Joseph Carondelet Los Angeles Province, the Department of Religious Studies offers a three-year, non-residential program for receipt of a certificate in Spiritual Direction. Rooted in the spiritual traditions of Ignatius of Loyola and Francis de Sales, the program is grounded in a practical, incarnational, and holistic spirituality that emphasizes the practice of individual and communal discernment.


Program Requirements

To receive the certificate in Spiritual Direction, students must complete 18 course units in three years. The first two years of the program are constituted by 12 course units. The final year of the program is a practicum, where students will complete an internship under the supervision of a Spiritual Director (approved by the program director) and will constitute the final 6 units to completion of the certificate program. Required courses are as follows:  RST 217A, RST 217B, RST 218A, RST 218B, RST 288A, RST 288B. A one-day retreat experience is also required each year. (An obligatory retreat is required in year 3 to attend for online program.)

Students who have not completed a BS, BA, MA or MS may still apply. However their admission will be contingent of proof that they have the level of maturity and basic theological background needed to participate in the program: Their admission will be determined by proof of participation in courses or workshops in the past pertaining to parish involvement, spirituality, run by diocesan or archdiocesan groups, attendance at religious education congresses, etc. Furthermore, they are to have three recommendation letters from people who have seen them in action in their workplace, in the parish or in their own religious/spirituality setting and who can attest to their character and ability to work in a collaborative setting. Finally, the student in this category will write a short essay on the following: “I feel that I am called to ministry as a Spiritual Director for the following reasons and I believe that my background has prepared me for this in the following ways.” The Spiritual Direction Certificate Team and the Director of Graduate Religious Studies will make the final decision on admission.

After completing the Spiritual Direction Certificate Program, students who are interested in pursuing an MA in Religious Studies through the Graduate Religious Studies Program at Mount Saint Mary’s University will have 6 units from the certificate program transferred as elective units towards the completion of the MA in Religious Studies.


Learning Outcomes 

  1.  To identify and interpret contemporary models of Spiritual Direction and the biblical and theological themes in spirituality. 
  2. To articulate and analyze how the contextual dimensions of personhood (sex, gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity, class, and other generational and cultural qualities) influence the practice of Spiritual Direction. 
  3. To participate in integrative dialogue and identify pertinent issues that can impact the practice of Spiritual Direction. 
  4. To demonstrate, in writing and practice, self-awareness and reflexivity, an ability to articulate one’s own inner spiritual experience and exercise contemplative and active listening skills.


Certificate Requirements 

18 required units with 12 units from courses and 6 units from practicum. Required courses are as follows: RST 217A, RST 217B, RST 218A, RST 218B, RST 288A, RST 288B.

Required Courses

RST 217AFoundations in Spiritual Direction A


RST 217BFoundations in Spiritual Direction B


RST 218ATheory and Practice of Spiritual Direction A


RST 218BTheory and Practice of Spiritual Direction B


RST 288AIntegration and Practicum A


RST 288BIntegration and Practicum B


Total Credit Hours:18