Human Resources Management Certificate Program


Employment of HR managers (median annual pay of $121,220) is projected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to grow significantly from 2020 to 2030. This is not by accident - as advancements are made in best practices and new technologies within Human Resource Departments, companies are willing to pay up to find the most talented individuals available, as they recognize the value of having highly talented people in those positions. HR managers have a tremendously valuable impact not just on the companies they work for, but on individual co-workers within the organization, and play an integral role in the modern economy.


As the role of an HR professional within the workforce changes, students will need to adapt their skill sets in order to land these lucrative and prestigious positions. The increasingly focused skill set desired by employers is no longer served by general business degrees. In today’s economy, it is essential that aspiring HR professionals receive training and experience in coordinating the administrative functions of an organization, hiring and training employees, handling inter-company disputes, working with HR software, and other skills that will be important to their job on day one.


Our Human Resources Management program is intended to provide students with the relevant skills to address these areas and to succeed as the highest performers in this burgeoning field. While they will also receive a traditional business education, graduates from this program will be able to point to specific skills they have learned and developed in HR that will allow them to stand out amongst all applicants.


According to Emsi Burning Glass, in the last 12 months, there were 40,581 postings for human resources-related jobs in the Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim metro area. Further, job opportunities in LA for graduates in this degree are expected to grow by 10.13% in the next 10 years, which is faster than the national average of 4.62%.




This program is designed to provide students with a strong and well -rounded knowledge base of business and business concepts. Once this foundation is built, students will then move on to courses strictly focused on delivering tangible and sought-after skills in Human Resource Management. This learning path then culminates in a capstone course, where students gain hands-on experience in the type of work they will perform in a professional setting, allowing them to hone their skills and create a portfolio that can be shared with potential employers. By educating students in this manner, our goal is to create graduates who have the pedigree to get hired, the skillset to make an impact in their field on day one, and the knowledge base to continue learning, improving, and keeping up with the inevitable shifts of the labor market for years to come.

HR Management Certificate Illustrative






BUS 157

Human Resources Development



BUS 184

Organizational Behavior




Training & Development




Total Compensation Management




Employment and Labor Law

BUS 184



Human Resource Risk Management




Program Learning Objectives

Please note, the program level Learning Objectives here are specific to the Rize HR Management classes and do not consider students’ core classes taken through their home institutions.


  1. Students will be able to develop and evaluate training and development programs using best practices in professional instructional design, including the ability to meaningfully gauge the impact of training programs.
  2. Students will be able to analyze and apply processes and procedures surrounding compensation management.
  3. Students will be able to identify and apply relevant employment and labor laws to a given human resources initiative.
  4.  Students will be able to rigorously assess the scale of businesses risks associated with a given human resources initiative, including and exceeding those posed by compliance needs.

Boilerplate Information

Lower Cost  Models Consortium

The LCMC was founded in 2017 by a collection of college presidents looking to partner on collaborative solutions that expand educational opportunities for students while streamlining and lowering institutional costs. Leveraging an innovative online course sharing model, LCMC colleges can start new, enrollment-driving academic programs without the upfront cost, time, and risk typically associated with new program development. Together, 130 member institutions have started hundreds of new pathways to employment for students in high- demand fields like Computer Science, Digital Marketing, and Cybersecurity.


Rize Education

Rize Education was founded at Adrian College in 2019 to help small colleges and universities start enrollment-driving majors and minors that provide new pathways to employment for students. Over the last two years, Rize has helped 90 colleges start 300 new academic programs through an online course-sharing model developed in partnership with the Lower Cost Models Consortium. These shared majors allow colleges to provide students with degree pathways in high-demand areas without incurring the upfront cost and risk typically associated with developing new majors.