PSY 269A Counseling Practicum

Taken concurrently with the student’s fieldwork placement, this course guides the student in applying counseling principles and recovery oriented care to a variety of clinical settings. Also provided is training in the provision of mental health services via telehealth, including legal and ethical guidelines that pertain to telehealth.  This training meets the 3 hours of training required by the California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS). 

All fieldwork sites must be approved by the department prior to the beginning of this practicum class. Students will provide 80 hours of face to face counseling (individual, couples, family or group counseling) during the semester and 250 hours over the course of the practicum year. All MSMU and BBS paperwork during the semester will be maintained throughout the term. While enrolled in PSY 269A, PSY 269B and PSY 269C the student will participate in personal psychotherapy at least every other week for a total of 25 hours.




PSY 225, PSY 263, PSY 268
